7 Handy Tips To Get Your Home Foolproof during Load-shedding

Loadshedding has become such a regular occurrence in South Africa, so we should make alternative plans to get our homes organised for those ever-looming

Be in the know – download the load shedding app 
With the current spate of intermittent load sheddings, it is essential to know the planned outages, get advance warnings and the updates from Eskom. It’s easy, have it all at your fingertips, download the EskomSePush app here: https://sepush.co.za/
Then, in advance, you will be able to prepare your meals, unplug and switch off your electric appliances to avoid any power surge damage.

Stock up on lighting supplies
Stock up on candles, matches/lighters, torches, and batteries to help you navigate your home in the dark. Strategically position battery-powered stick-and-push lights in your home, and solar-powered lights in the garden and perimeter lights around your property to keep your home and garden illuminated at all times.

Switch to gas
Load shedding in winter is especially annoying if you cannot keep warm or cook or heat food and water. Consider investing in a small gas heater, a portable gas braai or a two-plate gas stove – all fairly economical – if it’s not viable to make the big switch to a more expensive gas appliance like a gas geyser, gas braai, gas oven or an indoor gas fireplace. Gas and gas usage is economical so the upfront expense may just be worth it in the long run.

Stay charged
Install an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) in your home to keep your critical electronic devices and appliances running or if that is unaffordable invest in a small power bank just for your cell phone. Of course, you can simply ensure all necessary devices, such as cell phones and laptops are charged before the power is due to go off.  Find more here: https://www.takealot.com/computers/uninterrupted-power-supply-ups-27250  

Make sure you’ve got backup
Get a few backup batteries for essentials like your security alarm system, electric fence, garage doors and electric gates so that your safety is not compromised by any power outages. 

Gas appliance readiness 
If you already own gas appliances, don’t get caught out – be sure to clean and service your gas appliances often so that they will always be ready when needed.  Have a spare gas cylinder on hand – order here: https://www.simsgas.co.za/simsgas-for-home.html 

Order gas regularly
You won’t want to run out at the crucial moment. Regularly refill or replace your gas bottles. They can be delivered to your home or office so there’s no excuse for running out. We deliver gas bottles straight to your door. Contact us at: https://www.simsgas.co.za/contact-us.html

Be sure to get your home load-shedding foolproof by following these 7 handy tips.

We Deliver Diesel to your home or business!
Do you need diesel for your generators, a small fleet or your forklifts? Contact Sims Gas and we will deliver the diesel straight to your door.

Please note: the diesel price changes every month so call or email our office for the latest price.
Phone: 0861 746 7427
Email: jhbsales@simsgas.co.za

We will deliver to your home or business, so order today!

Johannesburg Phone: 011 494 4232
Durban Phone: 031 902 6533
Email: jhbsales@simsgas.co.za
Or fill in your gas supply query here: http://ow.ly/B7YH30mIb8h

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